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Understanding the Lifespan of Your Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Detectors

At Epic Alarm, we are committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of our clients through our state-of-the-art alarm systems. An essential part of our system includes life-saving devices such as carbon monoxide sensors and smoke detectors. These devices are designed to offer you peace of mind, knowing that your home or business is protected against the invisible threats of carbon monoxide and the ever-present danger of fire.

Lifespan of Carbon Monoxide Sensors and Smoke Detectors

Our carbon monoxide sensors and smoke detectors are built to last, with a majority of them having a manufacturer's lifespan of 10 years. This lifespan ensures that the devices remain reliable and effective in detecting any threats, providing you with continuous protection.

However, it's important to note that due to the product lifecycle and distribution processes, the devices installed at your location might have a remaining lifespan of 7 to 9 years upon installation. (For devices with an original lifespan of 10 years from the factory. It would be less for devices with lower original lifespans.)  This variance is due to the time it takes for the products to move from manufacturing, through the distribution channel, and finally to your premises. Very rarely, some devices may have just over 9 years of lifespan left.

Why Does Lifespan Matter?

The effectiveness of carbon monoxide sensors and smoke detectors can diminish over time. Components may age, and sensors can lose sensitivity, making timely replacement crucial to ensure your safety isn't compromised.

When to Contact Epic Alarm for Replacement

1. Approaching End of Lifespan: If your device is nearing the end of its effective lifespan (7 to 9 years after installation), it's time to consider a replacement.
2. Device Alerts: Our devices are designed to alert you when they are nearing the end of their lifespan or if they require maintenance.
3. Routine Check-Up: If you're unsure about the status of your devices or when they were installed, our team is here to help.

How We Can Help

We understand the importance of maintaining continuous protection for your property. That's why we invite you to contact us when it's time to replace your carbon monoxide sensors and smoke detectors. Our team will assist you in assessing your current devices, offering replacements, and ensuring that your new devices are seamlessly integrated into your existing alarm system.

Contact Us

For any inquiries or to schedule a replacement for your carbon monoxide sensors and smoke detectors, please reach out to us at:

Phone 888-969-EPIC (888-969-3742)
Contact Form

Your safety is our top priority. At Epic Alarm, we're dedicated to providing you with the best protection today, tomorrow, and for years to come.

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