Will the Arming Event notification include the name of the user who armed or disarmed the system?
Depending on the method used to arm or disarm the system, the user's name who performed the action appears in the arming event notification.
Using the panel
When the system is locally armed or disarmed using a code, the name of the user associated with the user code is included in the notification. User code information can be managed using the website. For more information about user code management, see Change a system user code.
Note: The panel must be configured to be armed by a user code to include a name. If a panel has Quick Arm enabled or Secure Arm disabled, the user that armed the system is unknown, so the notification does not include a name.
Using a key fob
If a key fob is used and the panel programmed accordingly with a specific user code, the name of the associated user code is included in the notification.
If the key fob used is not associated with a specific user code, then a name is not included in the notification.
Using the Alarm.com app or Alarm.com customer website
If the system is armed or disarmed using the Alarm.com customer website or Alarm.com app, the notification includes the login name of the user that performed the command.
For more information about creating a new login, see Create a new login.
For more information about viewing who sent remote commands, see View which user sent remote commands to a system.